Animation short film “Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli”
In the Sea There are Crocodiles-Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli- freely based on the novel by Fabio Geda, based on the life of Afghan refugee Enaiatollah Akbari The novel follows Akbari from his birth in Afghanistan to his arrival in Italy.
RAI-Ragazzi Larcadarte Ministero Istruzione
with the support of : UNICEF
+ Publishing
Produced by Larcadarte-Rai Ragazzi-Ministero dell’Istruzione
Director Rosalba Vitellaro- Script R.Vitellaro and A. Viola- Designer and Art Director Annalisa Corsi
Executive Producer RAI Annita Romanelli-Sara Cabras
Visual art and design development to short animation film